The ELEVATE Responsible Sourcing Management Model

  • Published: 8 March 2019

The responsible sourcing management model (‘the model’) is a tool developed by ELEVATE to help identify the management practices that will improve efforts to responsibly source private label products. The model is intended as a resource for company responsible sourcing programs. Not every tactic identified in the model is appropriate for every company.

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The model is divided into five sections, including:

  • Strategy and commitment
  • Communicating, reporting and engaging
  • Internal alignment
  • Supplier monitoring and engagement
  • Transparency & traceability

The model divides initiatives into those that are core, proactive, or strategic. All programs will have elements that fall into each of these categories:

These elements are the building blocks for effective responsible sourcing. They are primarily focused on risk mitigation.

These elements indicate a move toward understanding and addressing business impacts in the supply chain. They begin to go beyond a risk-focus, to consider the opportunities for supply chain performance improvement.

These elements holistically consider industry risk and impact, and address a ‘net positive’ supply chain impact. They represent forward-thinking and integrated business planning and processes.