Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM)

What is the Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM)?

The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability assessment tool that standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance, year over year.

The Higg FEM is designed to:

  • Measure and quantify the sustainability impacts of a facility
  • Reduce redundancy in measuring and reporting sustainability performance
  • Drive business value through reducing risk and uncovering inefficiencies
  • Create a common means and language to communicate sustainability to stakeholders

ELEVATE is an approved Verifier Body. ELEVATE is approved to conduct both off-site and on-site verifications. Off-site (remote) verification cannot be used or shared publicly.

Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) Methodology

The Higg FEM measures:

  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
  • Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission
  • Water Use
  • Wastewater
  • Emission to Air (if applicable)
  • Waste Management
  • Chemical Use and Management

For more information about the reporting period see https://apparelcoalition.org/higg-facility-tools/

ELEVATE Higg FEM Expertise

  • ELEVATE has conducted over 1,000 verifications since the inception of the tool.
  • ELEVATE is an approved Trainer Body to manufacturers using Higg FEM.
  • ELEVATE Verifiers support manufacturers to establish report accuracy, understand the requirements, and make improvements.
  • Factory Service Consultants have expertise in environmental compliance and are available to support improvement plans.
  • ELEVATE Verifiers have chemical expertise and are skilled in conducting environmental assessments.
  • We conduct regular internal knowledge sharing for our Verifiers. Our ELEVATE Assessment Manual, our focus on transparency and additional ELEVATE Academy training make ELEVATE auditors the most trusted in the profession.

Contact us for your next audit

Why you can expect more from ELEVATE.

An audit/verification report from ELEVATE means something. Our brand represents a choice for quality and integrity.

Over the last 15 years, ELEVATE has emerged as the most trusted service provider in responsible sourcing, ethical business and sustainability solutions. ELEVATE is the only independent sustainability and supply chain services provider with global reach, and are engaged at all levels of the value chain. This includes assessment and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) management, engagement with managers and workers in factories, world-class eLearning and training, and consultancy at the corporate level to assess risk, support improvement and drive impact.

ELEVATE’s online EiQ ecosystem is a comprehensive suite of supply chain analytics designed to engage brands, suppliers, factories and workers to achieve business driven sustainability.

EiQ supply chain analytics enables audit data to unlock corrective measures that provide a lasting business impact. This includes:

  • Identifying supply chain and business risks.
  • Tracking site performance.
  • Benchmarking audit results of your business or supply chain.

EiQ Supplier Solutions makes it easy for factories, farms, vendors and suppliers to manage social and environmental compliance and improve operational performance.

Partner with ELEVATE to reinforce your standing in ethical compliance.

ELEVATE is approved to work with brands, retailers, suppliers and factories to conduct assessments and audits representing a range of industry initiatives. Select a scheme for more information